maandag 8 november 2010



I've been to Ireland. this is the result:

And now I've testweek coming up. life sucks.

zondag 31 oktober 2010


I'm so busy learning!
But here some pictures, hope you like them.


zondag 24 oktober 2010


Ik heb een winterdepressie, en het is nog niet eens winter.
Een gemiddelde depressie-dag:
7:30-- opstaan. Neee, dat kan niet. slapen is goed. grom. nog een keer omdraaien.
7:55 -- 2e poging. Shit, hoe laat? O, nog even slapen.
8:15 -- Mobiel bij? (jep), boeken bij ?(nee, maakt niet uit, te zwaar), ipod bij ? (argh, niet opgeladen)
-dan fiets ik in een kwartier als een idioot naar school, in een gele jas, grr.-
8:30 tot het einde van school. --zucht, kut leraren. Wat doe ik hier?
na school -- huiswerk maken? nee. toch maar niet. verveel, verveel.
's avonds-- meestal sporten
later die avond-- grom, had m'n huiswerk eerder moeten maken.

duidelijk deprimerend dus.
het enige wat m'n leven nog een beetje goed maakt is shoppen.
ik laat zo snel mogelijk al mijn nieuwe dingen zien (en dat zijn er veel aangezien ik te lui ben om ze eerder te posten)

cioaaa. xxx

donderdag 30 september 2010

vrijdag 27 augustus 2010

just one more day....

Hi (:

Just one more day and then it's my B-day! Finally 15!


maandag 26 juli 2010

Summer. Summer.

Sweden was AMAZING!! It was so beautiful and a great experience.
Tommorow morning I have to wake up very early, at 3 a.m.!!
But it's worth it, because I'll go to France and Spain.
Hope I'll be back with many pics and a lot of new outfits.

have an amazing holiday! xx (:

vrijdag 16 juli 2010

Sweden, here I come...

That are pictures of last weekend!
Today I first went to school. And I passed, without any insufficients!
After that I spent the whole afternoon packing my bags cause tomorrow morning I go to Sweden.
It's so difficult to decide what you'll take with you and what not. I'd prefer to take all my clothes and other stuff with me, but unfortunately I'll have to carry it around the whole week. I hope we won't walk a lot because I'm afraid my back won't take it.
I'm so looking forward to tomorrow, just can't wait.
I hope I'll have some AMAZING pictures when I come back.
Have a nice holiday and enjoy the summer! (:

maandag 12 juli 2010

greased lightning

If there's something I really really hate it's thunder and lightning.
This weekend was so much fun. Pictures will follow soon.
For now I want to show you my new bikini.

Hope you like it. (:

dinsdag 6 juli 2010

Time Square can't shine as bright as you..

I'm learning, learning, learning and learning. Tomorrow I have 2 tests and then I'm finished, finally! I promise that I'm going to post more when it's holiday.
see yea xx (:

woensdag 23 juni 2010

sweet dreams, happy days

Today it was so hot! I really loved it!! I could finally wear my new summer dress with my new shoes.
I'm so busy with school, next week I have a test week. So that will be learning, learning and learning.
However, I hope you like these pics. (:

woensdag 9 juni 2010

You're the reason for the teardrops on my guitar..

I don't play guitar, i'm just trying to.
Someday it'll work out.

don't stop me now, i'm having such a good time..

I had a jazz performance last week!
It was so amazing, we did two shows and it was just so much fun!

sea oh sea, i love you.

I went to the sea. it was cold.
sea, i love you.

dinsdag 1 juni 2010

i'll sleep when i'm dead

Hi (:
I'm so sorry for posting nothing for such a long time, but I was so busy.
There was just no time for making pictures and I badly want a new camera, mine sucks!
Anway, you probably know this site already, but if you don't...
Take a look at:

dinsdag 18 mei 2010

when all happy feelings have gone.

When all happy feelings have gone
When you feel like crying all the time
Just let your skin feel the sunshine
Just let your skin feel the heat
Remember the things you have
Remember the times to come
Cause you gotta leave your problems behind
Cause you gotta see the logic of life
I guess I'll still have to learn what's the logic of life